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The Diocese of the Midwest is administered from the Diocesan Center located in Chicago, Illinois.  The Diocesan Center houses the Bishop’s residence, the Chancery offices, meeting space for Diocesan events, the Bishop’s chapel (Christ the Savior Church), and an apartment for the parish rector, who also serves as property manager.

The chancery is staffed Monday through Thursday, 10am - 4pm Central Time (11am - 5pm Eastern Time).  The chancery is closed on:

  • St. Basil’s Day (January 1)
  • Theophany (January 6—Chancery closure observed on January 7, 2019)
  • Pascha (April 25-30)
  • Memorial Day (May 27)
  • Independence Day (July 4)
  • Labor Day (September 2)
  • Thanksgiving (November 28-29)
  • Nativity (December 24-27)

The Diocesan Center is located at:

927 N LaSalle Blvd
Chicago, IL 60610

His Grace, the Right Reverend

Bishop of Chicago
the Midwest

Contact Information:

His Grace, Bishop Paul
933 N LaSalle Blvd
Chicago, IL 60610

Office: (312) 202-0420
Fax: (312) 202-0427

Consecration Date: December 27, 2014
Nameday: November 6

The Very Reverend John Zdinak, Dean of St. Theodosius Cathedral in Cleveland, Ohio, serves as Diocesan Chancellor.  Any and all correspondence to the Bishop, save confidential matters, should be copied to the Chancellor.

Contact Information:

Archpriest John Zdinak
733 Starkweather Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44113

Phone: (216) 554-7282

The Diocese of the Midwest chancery offices are staffed by Philip Sokolov, Secretary to Bishop Paul.  The secretary is responsible for all administrative concerns and also handles bookkeeping for the Diocese.

Contact Information - All Correspondence to the Diocese and the Bishop should be sent to:

Diocese of the Midwest
927 N LaSalle Blvd
Chicago, IL 60610

Phone: (312) 202-0420
Fax: (312) 202-0427

Mr. Robert Koncel has served for many years as Treasurer of the Diocese of the Midwest. He is a long-time member of St. Joseph Church in Wheaton, Illinois.

Contact information:

Mr. Robert Koncel
713 Beach Avenue
LaGrange Park, IL 60525

Phone: (708) 354-6580

The parishes of the Diocese of the Midwest are organized into administrative deaneries based on geographic location. The Diocese has six deaneries. Each deanery has a Dean elected by the assigned priests of the deanery and confirmed by the Bishop. The work of the deanery is overseen and guided by the Dean who is a Rector from within the respective deanery. He coordinates and directs activities of the parishes and priests within the deanery, guiding the establishment of missions, and serving as the first appeal if or when disputes arise within the deanery. In all things, the Deans report directly to the Bishop, from whom they receive advice, instruction, and counsel, and for whom they act as an administrative liaisons to their own deanery communities.

Chicago Dean:

V. Rev. Alexander Kuchta

Holy Resurrection Church
PO Box 421
Palatine, IL 60078
(847) 516-6025

View parishes of the Chicago deanery

Cleveland Dean:

V. Rev. Andrew Clements

St. Nicholas Church
9650 Johnnycake Ridge Rd
Mentor, OH 44060
(440) 946-9571

View parishes of the Cleveland deanery

Indianapolis Dean:

V. Rev. Theodore Bobosh

St. Paul the Apostle Church
4451 Wagner Rd
Dayton, OH 45440
(937) 320-9977

View parishes of the Indianapolis deanery

Kansas City Dean:

V. Rev. Timothy Sawchak

Holy Trinity Church
11901 Pflumm Rd
Overland Park, KS 66213
(913) 209-2594

View parishes of the Kansas City deanery

Michigan Dean:

V. Rev. Dusan Koprivica

St. Demetrius Church
PO Box 125
Jackson, MI 49204
(517) 783-5494

View parishes of the Michigan deanery

Minneapolis Dean:

V. Rev. Paul Wesche

St. Herman Church
5355 38th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55417
(612) 548-1537

View parishes of the Minneapolis deanery



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