DOM Clergy Compensation Clarification

22 January 2021 – Apostle Timothy & Ven. Martyr Anastasius the Persian

To: Diocesan Priests and Parish Councils
Re: Clergy Compensation

Reverend and Very Reverend Fathers, Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Glory to Jesus Christ!

As most of you are probably aware, the OCA has recently published newly revised Clergy Compensation Guidelines that are available on the OCA website. This a welcome move on the level of the national Church.

The purpose of this communication is to make clear what compensation guidelines we are to follow in our Diocese of the Midwest. His Eminence, Archbishop Paul has instructed me to convey the following:

The OCA Guidelines clearly state that the Diocesan Hierarch may exceed the OCA Guidelines which are intended to be MINIMAL as stated in the Guidelines.

In all cases, here in the Diocese of the Midwest, we are to follow the DIOCESAN Clergy Compensation Policy.

This policy was developed over a considerable amount of time and became effective on January 1, 2018. Much time, study and effort were put into the development of this policy and it was ratified to be used in our Diocese.

The Diocesan Guidelines meet the minimum requirement in the OCA Guidelines and is designed for usage in our Diocese.

We are appreciative of our parishes for considering and following our compensation policy. It has been extremely helpful in maintaining stability in the clergy leadership of our Diocese. May God continue to bless us as we work together here our part of God’s Vineyard.

In Christ,
Archpriest John Zdinak


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