
Health & Development

Attendance and tithes notwithstanding, how can parish health be determined? What does a successful parish look like? What is the proper balance between services, outreach, and community social life?

The diocese has put many hours into exploring questions like these and creating resources to develop not only growing parishes but ones with a missionary outlook.

Faith Formation

Faith formation within a parish is vital to its own health. We learn and grow in our faith when we find creative ways to share it with others.

The St. Macrina Orthodox Institute is a vital resource within the diocese for the development of capable teachers and catechists within our parish and mission communities.


Did you know the diocese has nine active missions and six active chapel communities? Did you know the diocese has a Missions Committee actively working on ways to plant and support new missions?

Participating in and supporting nearby missions is a wonderful way to enliven your own parish community. Which mission is the closest one to you?

The Diocese of the Midwest's Centralized Communication Hub

The purpose of Our Diocese™ is meant to facilitate parish growth and in-person interaction. In addition to posts and messages on a parish group level, Our Diocese™ enables interaction between parishioners and clergy all over the diocese, regardless of whether they prefer to use the website or a mobile app. Campers can join and connect with their friends between summers. Clergy can reach out to other clergy with questions and support. Faithful can find others with similar interests and not have to reinvent the wheel at their own parish when starting a new ministry.

Listing of All Parishes

The parishes of the Diocese of the Midwest are geographically grouped into deaneries. Each deanery is directed by a priest who reports directly to the Bishop and for whom he may act as an administrative liaison.

For more information about the deans or to find a local dean, see the Administration page here.

A listing of diocesan clergy, along with their parish affiliation and contact information, may be found on the OCA website here »

Midwest Territory


Holy Trinity Cathedral
Chicago, Illinois
EST. 1892










North Dakota



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