Annual Clergy Convocation Concludes

BURBANK, IL [DOM Communications] – The annual Clergy Convocation of the Diocese of the Midwest took place on Wednesday, May 12. This was a virtual retreat was composed of three sessions the first two being led by guest speaker, Archpriest Silviu Bunta, Ph.D.

His Eminence Archbishop Paul opened the session with prayer and welcomed the guest, Fr. Silviu Bunta, Ph.D., who serves under Archbishop Alexander in the Bulgarian Diocese, is an Associate Professor at the University of Dayton and holds a position at Saint Vladimir’s Seminary as Visiting Associate Professor of Old Testament.

During the first session Father began addressing the question “Of what Tradition do we speak?” In approaching this question, Father engaged more recent Orthodox saints of the last few decades who decried a new “spirit” in the Orthodox ethos. The presentation reflected on this spirit in comparison to the “mind of Christ” by which the Fathers of the Church defined Tradition. Submitted questions were then answered for the remainder of the session.

After a short break, Fr. Silviu returned to tackle a more philosophical topic, “Ethics or Immorality? A false dilemma.” Father continued on one of the prevailing attitudes of the “new Orthodoxy,” addressed in the first presentation, how a sense of the Church’s Tradition sets ethics as a counter to immorality. Focusing on the teachings of Holy Scriptures and the Philokalia, the speaker developed what is commonly referred to as “the good.” Questions were offered again concluding this second session.

As per the usual practice of the Clergy Convocation, the final session was reserved for the Presbyters Council, which servers as a place for clergy to speak with their hierarch on matters of parish and diocesan life.

Those clergy of the DOM that were not able to attend are invited to contact the Chancery to obtain a copy of the retreat for personal use.

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