Upcoming Seminar: “Develop Within the Body of Christ You Serve”

EAGAN, MN [OCLI] – When you serve the Church, are you joyful and invigorated?  Or do you feel your service is a thankless, lonely, or overwhelming burden?  As the body of Christ, we are called to encourage one another. To do this, we need connections!
​Peer Learning cohorts meet twice in September and then monthly through January under the guidance of a trained facilitator.  Before each meeting you will receive a short article, podcast, or video link related to the cohort’s chosen topic as a way to kick-off the conversation.  Participants are encouraged to present in their areas of expertise. After enriching discussion, each member will be encouraged to implement one take-away concept or practice.  The cohort structure will keep us together, committed, and accountable as we strive to be faithful stewards in our leadership responsibilities.

Why make the investment in parish leadership development? Read More

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