Locum Tenens Appointed

BURBANK, IL [DOM] – The Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America has declared vacant the see of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest following the death of His Eminence Archbishop Paul on the Great Feast of Pascha, April 24, 2022. His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon has appointed His Grace Bishop Daniel of Santa Rosa as locum tenens of the Diocese of the Midwest.

In a letter to Diocesan Chancellor, Archpriest Paul Jannakos, Archpriest Alexander Rentel, Chancellor for the Orthodox Church in America, wrote; “effective immediately upon this appointment, His Grace should be commemorated as such throughout the diocese during the liturgical services.

His name is to be elevated according to the normal and typical patterns after His Beatitude is commemorated:

  1. During the litanies for all services, “…Metropolitan Tikhon, our Bishop Daniel…”
  2. At the Great Entrance, “…His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon…, His Grace Bishop Daniel of Santa Rosa, locum tenens of the Diocese of the Midwest, may the Lord God remember…”
  3. At Among the First, “…His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, His Grace Bishop Daniel…”

Bishop Daniel was appointed Administrator of the Diocese on March 15, 2022 at the request of Archbishop Paul who was battling a severe illness.

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