Singers Asked to Participate in Upcoming Enthronement

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – Choir members from all over the Diocese of the Midwest are invited to sing at the upcoming Enthronement Weekend of His Grace Bishop Daniel of Chicago and the Midwest, September 30 through October 2, 2022. 

“I can’t tell you how excited I am by this wonderful opportunity to form a magnificent choir to both hymn our beloved Mother and to joyfully greet our new Archpastor,” said Reader Philip Sokolov, Choir Director for the enthronement. “There are so many beautiful melodies of our Orthodox tradition for this particular Festal Vigil and for the Hierarchical Liturgy, and I view this as a perfect occasion to learn some of them.”

Two rehearsals have been scheduled for local singers on Monday, September 12, and Monday, September 19. Both of these sessions will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity Cathedral, the location of the enthronement festivities.

Those interested in singing are asked to contact Sokolov to be added to the mailing list:

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