Chicago Parish Welcomes Archbishop

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – The faithful of Christ the Savior Church, Chicago, IL received His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of Chicago and the Midwest for his first official pastoral visit on Sunday, October 22. His Eminence presided over the Divine Liturgy, with Rector, Priest John Kennerk and Deacon Andrew Bender. The choir was led by Reader. Philip Sokolov.

The parish prayerfully celebrated the tonsure and ordination of Mark Phillip as Reader of the Church. His Eminence preached on the Gospel of the “Rich Man and Lazarus”, reminding the faithful that Christ is indeed present among us, and can be found in the faces of those whom we easily neglect. At the conclusion of the Liturgy, he offered words of encouragement to the parish. Fr. John thanked His Eminence for his visit and continued service as our intercessor before the Lord.

A festive meal followed in the parish hall and courtyard.

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