The Diocesan Annual Clergy Convocation Concludes

DARIEN, IL [DOM] – The annual Clergy Convocation of the Diocese of the Midwest concluded its three day gathering at the Carmelite Spiritual Retreat Center in Darien, IL. This yearly spiritual retreat brings together priests and deacons from all over the Midwest.

On Monday, May 20, the clergy gathered with His Eminence Archbishop Daniel for an Akathist before the Chicago-Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. That evening guest speaker, Rev. Dn Dr Vitaly Permiakov, gave the first part of his presentation entitled “The Reception of Converts into the Church: A Perspective from Sacramental Theology.” Dn. Vitaly, Assistant Professor of Liturgical Theology at St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, gave a total of three presentations on the Mysteries of Initiation and the reception of converts to the Orthodox Church throughout the retreat.

On Tuesday, updates on the life of the Chancery were given to the gathered clergy. During this time it was announced the Archpriest Paul Jannakos will be retiring as the Diocesan Chancellor and Archpriest Herman Kincaid appointed in his place starting July 1. The Archbishop expressed his gratitude to Fr. Paul for his service, especially during his time of transition as the hierarch of the Midwest.

The retreat concluded with the celebration of Divine Liturgy at St. Peter and St. Paul Church, Burr Ridge on Wednesday, May 22. His Eminence presented awards to several of his diocesan clergy, and Fr. Paul Jannakos offered the sermon. Priest Gregory Ealy, Diocesan Choirmaster, ably directed the clergy choir.

In the final hours of the convocation, the Archbishop gathered his priests to share his thoughts and vision for the diocese. His Eminence took questions and conveyed his pleasure in being able to serve the liturgy and pray with his clergy.

On Thursday, May 23, a special session was held with the diocese’s recently ordained priests, offering them the chance to receive direction from the Archbishop and to seek counsel for the various challenges they may be facing in their priesthood. This followed a group discussion on personal and ministerial boundaries led by incoming Chancellor Fr Herman Kincaid on the prior evening. This was the Diocese of the Midwest’s first Junior Clergy Day of Formation.


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