Archpastoral Visit Made to Holy Trinity Church, Detroit

DETRIOT, MI [DOM] – An Archpastoral visit was made to Holy Trinity Church, Detroit, MI, by His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of Chicago adn the Midwest on August 16 and 17.

On Friday, the Archbishop visited the parish and attended Vespers and and the following day served the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Archpriest Lev Kopistiansky was awarded the right to wear the jeweled cross during the Little Entrance and Subdeacon Lazarus Der Ghazarian was ordained to the Holy Diaconate.

Serving with His Eminence were Priest John York, Rector, Archpriest Dusan Koprivica, Dean the Michigan Deanery, Archpriest Lev Kopistiansky, Priest Philip Dage, and Deacon James Rimelspach.

A reception was held afterward in honor of His Eminence and the newly ordained Father Lazarus in the parish hall.

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