College, young adult lenten retreat to be held in Wisconsin April 5-7

College, young adult lenten retreat to be held in Wisconsin April 5-7

KANSASVILLE, WI [MW Diocese Communications] — Saint Iakovos Retreat Center here will be the site of a lenten retreat for college students, young adults, and Orthodox Christian Fellowship [OCF] members from Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois April 5-7, 2013.

Priest Marc Boulos, pastor of Saint Elizabeth Mission, Eagan, MN, will deliver the keynote presentation, “Idolatry, Power and Identity: A Study of Paul’s Letter to the Galatians.”  A graduate of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, Crestwood, NY, Father Marc is founder and chair of the Minnesota Bible Lecture Series and co-founder of the Ephesus School, a biblical studies program for children and adults.  He also serves on the Board of Directors of the Orthodox Center for the Advancement of Biblical Studies.

In addition to the keynote presentation, attendees may participate in three workshops.

  • Dr. Richard Benton will speak on “The Parting of Ways: Judaisms in the Advent of Christianity.”  Dr. Benton completed his PhD in Hebrew and Semitic Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  He taught courses in Jewish Studies in the US at the University of Wisconsin, Beloit College, the University of Washington-Seattle, and The Evergreen State College and abroad at the Ukrainian Catholic University and Lebanon’s Balamand University.
  • Priest Elijah Mueller, a PhD candidate in Church History at Marquette University and pastor of Saint Makarios Mission, Hyde Park/Chicago, will speak on “Finding the Heart, Reason, Image and Will of God with the Ascetic Tradition.”  Also a graduate of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, Father Elijah serves as chaplain for the University of Chicago OCF and the Great Lakes District of the OCF and Director of Catechist and Diaconal Vocations for the Chicago Deanery of the Orthodox Church in America.  He also has taught classes at Marquette University in spirituality, Church history, sacraments, homiletics, and catechesis.
  • Presvytera Rebecca Luft will speak on “Dying to Worship: Sacrifices and Sacrifice in Scripture and in Our Life.”  Currently a doctoral candidate in Hebrew Bible at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, Presvytera Rebecca holds an MDiv and MA in Hebrew Bible from the Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA, and a ThM in Biblical Studies from the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago.  She has taught in the Diaconal Vocations program in Chicago and the OCA Midwest Dicoese for the last eight years and is a member of Saint Makarios Mission, Hyde Park/Chicago.

Cost for the retreat is $50.00.  Additional information will be forthcoming.  For additional information, please contact Hollie Benton, OCF District Coordinator, at

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