OCCHY-Chicago to spearhead National Red Ribbon Week October 23-31

OCCHY-Chicago to spearhead National Red Ribbon Week October 23-31

CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — Chicago’s Orthodox Christian Coalition for Healthy Youth [OCCHY] recently announced that it will spearhead the National Red Ribbon Week youth campaign, aimed at raising awareness against the use of drugs and related substances, October 23-31, 2015.

OCCHY-Chicago to spearhead National Red Ribbon Week October 23-31“This year’s theme is ‘Respect Yourself,’” said Gordana Trbuhovich, OCCHY’s Project Coordinator.  “As in the past, OCCHY will supply Chicago-area parishes and schools with free resources to help them in recognizing this year’s campaign.”

In 2014, OCCHY distributed resources to 80 Orthodox Christian parishes throughout the greater Chicago region at a cost of over $3,500.00.

“This year, our grant allows us to spend $4,500.00,” Ms. Trubuhovich explained.  “Unless otherwise requested, OCCHY will provide each parish with 50 balloons, 50 pencil sharpeners and 50 ribbons to mark the week-long campaign.”

OCCHY is a pan-Orthodox ministry that operates under a five-year Drug Free Community grant awarded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration of the federal government.  OCCHY is the first Orthodox Christian faith-based organization to receive this federal grant.

For additional information please visit OCCHY’s web site at www.healthyyouth.com/Pages/CiceroandGreaterChicago.aspx and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/OCCHYChicago.

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