Midwest Family Life Site to make its debut April 10!

Midwest Family Life Site to make its debut April 10!

CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — In 2017, His Grace, Bishop Paul issued an Encyclical on Family Life in which he shared his vision of and commitment to the family as an icon of the Church. In his encyclical, he spoke of the need for a website to address this theme.

Midwest Family Life Site to make its debut April 10Subsequently, Bishop Paul began to hold regular meetings with Father John Matusiak, Father Jacob Van Sickle, Stacy Sennott, Janet Ames, Adam Lockridge, and Bilyan Belchev to develop a Family Life website.

“The plan is for the Midwest Family Life Site to make its debut on April 10, 2018,” Bishop Paul explained. “It will begin with a series of brief weekly reflections, which I will offer on relevant themes related to Orthodox Christian family life. Individuals who register for the website will be invited to offer their comments.”

In the coming months, articles will be posted on various issues confronting the Orthodox family in today’s world.

“An example of this might be the difficult issue of school gun violence and how that should be addressed,” Bishop Paul added. “There also will be a monthly chat session that will enable me to speak directly with people in the Midwest Diocese about family issues.”

The website also will feature resources related to family life as a means of sharing resources related to family life that are available from other Orthodox jurisdictions.

Those wishing to receive website news and “Reflections” as posted may register at http://eepurl.com/dmhHtr.

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