A New Deacon Ordained for Missouri Mission

SAINT JAMES, MO [DOM] – On Sunday, December 3, Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Mission in Saint James, MO welcomed His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of Chicago and the Midwest for a pastoral visit.
On Saturday, the Archbishop was given a tour of the new property where plans are underway for Annunciation’s stone temple to be built. The All Night Vigil was served by Priest Joel Wilson, head of the mission.
The following day Archbishop Daniel led the hierarchal Divine Liturgy, and was joined by Fr. Joel Wilson, Priest Matthew McDonald and Deacon Andrew Bender.  The Annunciation Children’s Choir sang the responses for the liturgy under the direction of Xenia Morris. At the Little Entrance, His Eminence awarded Fr. Joel the Kamilavka and the Gold Cross. The diaconal ordination of Subdeacon John Eller took place after the consecration of the gifts. All in attendance expressed their heartfelt, threefold “Axios!” for the newly ordained deacon.
After the Liturgy, the Annunciation community presented His Eminence with a Cross and Panagia set in gratitude for his archpastoral love and care. A celebratory meal was held in Fr. Joel’s home following the Prayers of Thanksgiving, honoring Archbishop Daniel and the newly-ordained Deacon John.