A Note from the Former Chancellor

Your Eminence, Esteemed Clergy, Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I would like to take a moment to thank you for the love you have shown me and my family over the years as the chancellor of this diocese. I am filled with gratitude having had the blessing to serve the Lord in this compacity getting to help our communities grow and develop.

As I leave this part of my service to the Church, I know that the diocese is in good hands with Fr. Paul as the new chancellor. I hope to still be of service to you and if nothing else, be assured of my prayers for all of you.

I ask that you remember me and my family in your prayers as we start this new chapter in our lives.

With love in Christ,

Archpriest John Zdinak

New Email: jankoz1953@gmail.com
INTERVIEW with Fr. John

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