Altar Feast of Christ the Savior Church Celebrated in Prayer

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – On August 16, during the Afterfeast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, Christ the Savior Church, Chicago, IL, celebrated their altar feast, “Image Made Without Hands”. The feast was attended by His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of Chicago and the Midwest.

An all night vigil was held the evening before and served by Priest John Kennerk, Rector, Priest Alexander Koranda, and Deacon Andrew Bender. On Wednesday morning, Fr. John presided the festal service with concelebrants, Fr. Alexander, Priest Jacob Van Sickle, Priest Joseph Whittacker, Deacon Andrew Bender, and Deacon John York.

At the Little Entrance, His Eminence awarded Fr. John with the kamilavka, and Dn. Andrew with the double orarion. Following Divine Liturgy, a festive meal was held in the hall.