Archbishop Addresses Diocese Concerning Cleveland Cathedral Fire

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of Chicago and the Midwest issued a statement to the parishes of the Diocese of the Midwest on Thursday, May 30. The letter addresses the recent fire that broke out at St. Theodosius Cathedral in Cleveland, OH earlier this week.

In his letter the Archbishop states: “For over a century, Saint Theodosius Cathedral has been a place of worship, spiritual comfort and consolation, Christian fellowship, ministry and service. Indeed, the Cathedral’s history and its noteworthy architecture have made it not only one of the Orthodox Church in America’s most beloved churches, but also a landmark on the Cleveland skyline. Those of you whose lives have been entwined with the life and history of Saint Theodosius know, better than anyone, what a great loss has been suffered because of the devastation caused by the fire on Tuesday afternoon.”

The Archbishop goes on calling for the clergy and faithful to pray for Priest Jan Cizmar, Cathedral Dean, and the faithful of the Cathedral community. “Your prayers and support will also play an important role in the rebuilding of the Cathedral. As the newest chapter of the Cathedral’s history begins to be written, I call upon you to pray for Father Ján Čižmár, Cathedral Dean, for the parish leadership, and for all the members of the Saint Theodosius Cathedral parish community. May we all, as Saint Paul exhorts us in his letter to the Galatians, ‘bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ’ (Galatians 6:2).”

In addition to prayers, the Archbishop calls on the faithful to support the Cathedral as they are able, which can be done here.

The full text may be read here.