Archbishop Celebrates the Raising of Lazarus with Ordination of New Priest

CHICAGO, IL [DOM Communications] – On April 24, Lazarus Saturday, His Eminence Archbishop Paul presided over the services at his Diocesan Cathedral, Holy Trinity Cathedral. During the Divine Liturgy, he ordained Deacon John Thedford to the holy priesthood. His Eminence was joined by Archpriest Paul Jannakos, Chancellor of the Diocese of the Midwest, Archpriest John Ketchum (GOA), and Priest Alexander Koranda, Dean of Holy Trinity Cathedral. 

Earlier in the day, Fr. Alexander received two catechumens into the Orthodox Church, one by holy baptism, and the other by holy chrismation. Receiving these two dedicated servants into the Church was a joyous event in the life of the Cathedral community. 

Archbishop Paul began his entrance prayers with the gathered clergy. Shortly after, the Third and Sixth Hours were read. Just prior to Liturgy, the Archbishop awarded Jordan and Ethan Baker the honor to wear the orarion.   

Following the singing of the Cherubic Hymn, Deacon John was brought to the center of the cathedral. At the conclusion of the Great Entrance, he was led to the sanctuary for the start of the Priestly Ordination. Following the laying on of hands, now Priest John was vested in priestly garments as those present cried out, “Axios!” Fr. John then joined the ranks of priests and distributed the Holy Gifts for the first time. 

At the conclusion of the service, Archbishop Paul reminded Fr. John and Matushka Katherine of the importance of their marriage and ministry in the life of the Church. Fr. Alexander then presented Fr. John and Matushka with an icon of St. Tikhon of North America and a commemoration loaf as gifts from the cathedral community. A meal was held in the hall following the Thanksgiving Prayers. 

Fr. John will begin his assignment at St. Matthew Church in Green Bay, WI on June 1. 

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