Archbishop Daniel leads Services for Chief Apostles

BURR RIDGE, IL [DOM] On June 29th His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of Chicago and the Midwest celebrated the patronal feast day of Saint Peter and Saint Paul Church in Burr Ridge, Illinois. His Eminence led the Divine Liturgy and was joined by Archpriest Herman Kincaid, Rector, Archpriest Daniel Doss, Archpriest Mykola Bodnarchuk, Priest Alexander Koranda, Priest Esteban Vazquez, Priest Jacob Van Sickle, Priest Daniel Greeson, Priest John Segvich, Priest Joseph Whitaker, Protodeacon Robert Northrup, Deacon John Kornafel, Deacon Paul Garklavs, Deacon Laurence Dugoni, and Deacon David Kenny. Before the Little Entrance, Deacon David Kenny was awarded the double orarion.
The homily was offered by Priest Daniel Greeson, who spoke on the trials which connect the faithful to the First Enthroned Apostles Peter and Paul. At the conclusion of the liturgy, name’s day greetings were offered to Archpriest Paul Jannakos in attendance as well as many thanks as he completed his service as Chancellor of the Diocese of the Midwest, while Archpriest Herman Kincaid was thanked for his 15 years of service at St Peter and St. Paul parish as he begins his ministry as the new chancellor of the diocese. Fr. Daniel Greeson was welcomed as the new rector of the parish, and his family was greeted by the gathered faithful. A festal meal and picnic was held on the parish grounds and enjoyed by all.