Fr. Alexander Koranda

Bishop Paul Celebrates Pascha at Diocesan Cathedral

CHICAGO, IL [DOM Communications] – His Grace Bishop Paul celebrated the Paschal services at his diocesan cathedral, Holy Trinity Cathedral. Starting at 11:30 p.m. on Saturday, Priest Alexander Koranda, Cathedral Dean, celebrated Nocturnes bringing the shroud of Christ from the tomb into the altar. At midnight, Bishop Paul came out of the holy altar with …

Bishop Paul Celebrates Pascha at Diocesan Cathedral Continue reading »

Orthodox Christian Fellowship forms “Small Groups” to assist College Students

BURBANK, IL [DOM Communications] – The Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF), a ministry dedicated to Orthodox Christians in college, has announced an effort to bring college students together called, “OCF Small Groups.” According to their website, this effort will “provide an intimate, online setting for college students from across the nation, to connect with one another, …

Orthodox Christian Fellowship forms “Small Groups” to assist College Students Continue reading »

Bishop Paul Offers Guidelines for Home Worship

BURBANK, IL [DOM Communications] – On April 13, Bishop Paul hosted a virtual meeting with parents from around the diocese to discuss their efforts as the “little church” during this pandemic. During the meeting he was asked to put together helpful tips for families to help them while praying at home. The full post may …

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Palm Sunday Sermon by Bishop Paul of Chicago

CHICAGO, IL [DOM Communications] – Sunday, April 12, 2020 commemorated Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week for Orthodox Christians. His Grace Bishop Paul attended Divine Liturgy at his diocesan cathedral, Holy Trinity Cathedral, and offered a homily following the gospel reading.

Virtual Meeting for Parents to be held with Bishop Paul

BURBANK, IL [DOM Communications] – Following the success of the diocesan virtual youth meetings, the Diocese of the Midwest announces a virtual meeting for parents on Monday, April 13, at 2:00 P.M. (CST) trying to address the question, “how can we help you?”. During this meeting, His Grace Bishop Paul will talk to parents surveying …

Virtual Meeting for Parents to be held with Bishop Paul Continue reading »

Upcoming Diocesan Events Postponed

ANNOUNCEMENT: The following diocesan activities have been postponed until further notice: Michigan Deanery Autocephaly Celebration – April 24-25 Midwest Clergy Convocation – May 4-6 Minneapolis Deanery Autocephaly Celebration – May 8-9  The suspension of these activities are due to the current restrictions on public gatherings and as a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of …

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Reflections on Autocephaly: AnnMarie Mecera

PART IV In the introduction to Orthodox America, Fr. Schmemann challenges us to identify with our culture, ‘with the people and with their real needs, spiritual as well as material.” As we watch the news, explore the internet, and hear politicians support their platforms; as we experience the many challenges of our contemporary society, we …

Reflections on Autocephaly: AnnMarie Mecera Continue reading »

Bishop Paul offers Sermon on the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent

CHICAGO, IL [DOM Communications] – Sunday, April 5, 2020 marked the fifth Sunday of Great Lent and the commemoration of St. Mary of Egypt. His Grace Bishop Paul attended Divine Liturgy at his diocesan cathedral, Holy Trinity Cathedral, and offered a homily following the gospel readings. Today, April 6, also marks the celebration of Bishop …

Bishop Paul offers Sermon on the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent Continue reading »

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