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Metropolitan Meletios [Kalamaras] of Nikopolis and Preveza, Greece falls asleep in the Lord

Metropolitan Meletios [Kalamaras] of Nikopolis and Preveza, Greece falls asleep in the Lord CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — According to a release posted on the web site of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, His Eminence, Metropolitan Meletios [Kalamaras] of Nikopolis and Preveza, Greece, 79, fell asleep in the Lord on June 21, 2012. Of late, he had …

Metropolitan Meletios [Kalamaras] of Nikopolis and Preveza, Greece falls asleep in the Lord Continue reading »

Bishop Matthias released from hospital

CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — His Grace, Bishop Matthias, was released from hospital on the evening of Thursday, June 7, 2012. As reported earlier, Bishop Matthias had been admitted on Tuesday, June 5, in order to monitor his blood-sugar levels. He expresses sincere gratitude and thanks to those who remembered him in prayer during …

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Bishop Hospitalized for Observation

CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — In the afternoon of Tuesday, June 5, 2012, His Grace, Bishop Matthias, was checked into the hospital for observation.  His blood-sugar levels are being monitored.  He is resting comfortably.  Your patience and love is appreciated if Vladyka does not respond to his email and phone calls.  Please keep His …

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ARCHPASTORAL LETTER OF BISHOP MATTHIAS – 2012 PENTECOST “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided …


SOS — June designated “Support Our Seminarians Month”

It is a well known fact that the cost of a college education has skyrocketed in recent years. Many students are forced to rely on loans to pay tuition and living expenses, often leaving them in debt before they even begin their first job. While our seminaries have held down the cost of tuition, living …

SOS — June designated “Support Our Seminarians Month” Continue reading »

Burr Ridge Lenten Retreat

St. Peter & St. Paul Orthodox Church, Burr Ridge, IL will hold a St. Peter & St. Paul Lenten Fast Retreat on June 16, 2012.  Additional information and flyer for distribution can be found here.  RSVP:  Duke Jovanovich (708) 485-4566. 

Bishop Matthias visits Saint Joseph Church, Wheaton, Illinois

Anticipation! WHEATON, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — His Grace, Bishop Matthias, made his first official archpastoral visit to Saint Joseph Church here on Sunday, May 13, 2012. The celebration, which marked the altar-feast of the parish’s side altar, dedicated to the Holy Child Martyr Gabriel of Zabludow, also marked the parish’s 23rd anniversary. Archpriest John …

Bishop Matthias visits Saint Joseph Church, Wheaton, Illinois Continue reading »

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