BURBANK, IL [DOM Communications] – His Eminence Archbishop Paul calls the clergy and faithful of the diocese to pray for the Armenian Church whose country is currently under attack. In a letter sent to Archbishop Paul, Bishop Daniel Findikyan, Primate of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church in America, stated: “Armenian faithful across the world expected to greet the morning of Sunday, September 27, in the spirit of joy, to celebrate the unique Armenian Church feast of the Holy Cross of Varak. Instead, we awakened to the horrifying news of a vicious attack on our homeland, including the shelling bombardment of the entire border of Astsakh republic, and its capital city of Stepanakert.”
The Eastern Primate requests prayers for peace during this tragic time: “I am reaching out to you – as a fellow worshipper of the risen Lord – to pray alongside the Armenian Church faithful, as we implore our Lord Jesus to place his protection over the people of Armenia and Artsakh.”