Category: Diocesan

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Orthodox Family Life Update

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – The Orthodox Family Life website, which hosted Archbishop Paul’s weekly reflections and occasional livestream discussions on family life, has become defunct …

Diocesan Administration Meeting Held

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – On Thursday, January 12, under the chairmanship of Archbishop Daniel of Chicago and the Midwest, a Diocesan Administration took place at …

Local Hierarchs of Chicago Celebrate the Feast of St. Stephen

DES PLAINES, IL [DOM] – His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest concelebrated with local hierarchs to commemorate the Frist …

Diocesan Seminarians Ordained on Holy Theophany

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – The Diocese of the Midwest saw two of its seminarians ordained this past week at the Diocesan Cathedral, Holy Trinity Cathedral, …


ARCHPASTORAL MESSAGE OF THE MOST REVEREND DANIEL Archbishop of Chicago and the Midwest on the Fest of Holy Pentecost – June 4, 2023 to the …

2022: A Year in Review

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – As the year 2022 comes to a close, the Diocese of the Midwest has experienced a very full year with great …

Christ is Born! Nativity Celebrations at the Diocesan Cathedral

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ was celebrated on December 24 and 25 by His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, and the …

100th Anniversary of Chicago and the Midwest

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – The Diocese of Chicago and the Midwest observes the centennial of its canonical establishment this month. It was during this time …

Diocesan Council Convenes in Chicago

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – The Diocesan Council, under the chairmanship of His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of Chicago and the Midwest met for their second and …

Music Workshop in Dayton a Success

DAYTON, OH [DOM] – On Friday and Saturday, November 18-19, 2022, over 60 Orthodox faithful from five states gathered at St Paul the Apostle Church …

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