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Chicago’s Holy Trinity Cathedral Dean guest of Finnish Orthodox Church

  Chicago’s Holy Trinity Cathedral Dean guest of Finnish Orthodox Church CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — During the last week of February 2016, His …

Sign Language - I Love You

St. Joseph Church, Wheaton, IL offers liturgical interpretive signing for hearing impaired

WHEATON, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — Saint Joseph Church, Wheaton, IL, is now offering signing services for the hearing impaired at the 9:30 a.m. Divine …

Chicago’s Holy Trinity Cathedral hosts area college students at lenten retreat

  Chicago’s Holy Trinity Cathedral hosts area college students at lenten retreat CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — Some three dozen Orthodox Christian college students …

Maple Heights, OH parish honors life-saving “superheroes!”

Maple Heights, OH parish honors life-saving “superheroes!” MAPLE HEIGHTS, OH [St. Andrew Church/Christine Hoover] — Archpriest Emilian Hutnyan and several members of Saint Andrew Church, …

Annunciation Archpastoral Visit 2018

A “feast of firsts” during Bishop Paul’s visit to Annunciation Mission, St. James, MO

SAINT JAMES, MO [MW Diocese Communications] — For the first time since Annunciation Mission here was planted five years ago, its patronal feast day — …

“Monks Amongst Us” theme of fall retreat at Annunciation Mission, St. James, MO

ST. JAMES, MO [MW Diocese Communications] — Priest Joel Wilson and the faithful of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Mission here hosted their third …

Annunciation Mission, St. James, MO, announces third annual fall retreat October 29

SAINT JAMES, MO [MW Diocese Communications] — Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Mission here will be hosting its third annual fall retreat on Saturday, October …

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