Clergy 2024 Cost of Living Adjustment

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] — In a letter to Rectors and Parish Councils dated November 1, 2023, Priest Esteban Vázquez, Vice-Chancellor of the Diocese of the Midwest, provides information with regard to the 2024 cost of living adjustment for diocesan priests.

“This communication announces to all of our diocesan clergy and parishes that the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for the Priests of the Diocese of the Midwest is set at 3.2% for the year 2024. This should be reflected in all parish budgets for the calendar year. The 3.2% figure is taken from the annual COLA determination made by the Social Security Administration, and can be found on their website:

“The annual COLA was mandated for the parishes of the Diocese of the Midwest by the 47th Diocesan Assembly (October 2008) in Burr Ridge, Illinois, and reaffirmed in the Diocesan Clergy Compensation Policy adopted on 28 November 2017 and in effect since 1 January 2018. This binding policy may be reviewed online at the following address:”

The letter in PDF format is available here.