Congratulations to Archbishop Paul on His Name’s Day

With prayers and heartfelt wishes, the clergy and faithful of the Diocese of the Midwest would like to congratulate our Archpastor, the Most Reverend PAUL, Archbishop of Chicago and the Midwest, on the feast of his name’s sake, St. Paul the Confessor.


May God grant you many years of health and peace as you labor in love.


Saint Paul the Confessor, Archbishop of Constantinople

Troparion — Tone III

For confessing the divine faith, among her priests the Church has shown thee to be another Paul. Abel cries out to the Lord together with thee, as does the righteous blood of Zachariah. Venerable father, entreat Christ God to grant us His great mercy.

Kontakion — Tone IV

Paul, thou hast shone on the earth like a star of heavenly splendor; now thou dost enlighten the universal Church for which thou didst suffer, for thou didst lay down thy life, and thy blood cries out to the Lord like that of Zachariah and Abel.



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