Diocesan Assembly Congratulates Metropolitan Tikhon on his Name Day

MOGADORE, OH [DOM] – On October 9, the feast of St. Tikhon of Moscow, Enlightener of North America, His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of Chicago and the Midwest and the 63rd Assembly of the Diocese of the Midwest congratulated their primate, His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon on the occasion of his name day.

A gentle manner adorned you, you showed kindness and compassion to those who repented,
you were firm and unbending in confessing the Orthodox Faith and zealous in loving the Lord.
O Holy Hierarch of Christ and Confessor Tikhon, pray for us that we may not be separated
from the love of God, which is of Christ Jesus, our King and Lord. (Kontakion, Tone 2)

Your Beatitude, our Most Blessed Lord and Father,

We, the clergy and assembled delegates of the 63 rd Assembly of the Diocese of the Midwest, gathered in prayer at Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church in Mogadore, Ohio, in the presence of our Most Holy Mother of God venerated in Her Chicago-Tikhvin Icon, cordially greet you with the celebration of the Glorification of Saint Tikhon, Apostle to
America – your esteemed heavenly patron.

Beloved Vladika, the peace and stability which we continue to experience now, in the twelfth year of your leadership of the Orthodox Church in America, stems directly from your faithful emulation of the spiritual qualities of this holy hierarch and confessor. We are sincerely grateful for your archpastoral love, efforts and dedication, which are truly inspirational.

Your Beatitude, please accept our congratulations on the celebration of your Namesday. By the prayers of the Most Holy Mother of God and the Holy Hierarch and Confessor Saint Tikhon, may Our Merciful Lord and Good Shepherd continue to grant you the health, strength and wisdom to lead us, your rational flock, to His Heavenly Kingdom.

With gratitude and love in Christ,


Archbishop of Chicago and the Midwest

And the Clergy and Delegates of the 63rd Assembly of the Diocese of the Midwest

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