Diocesan Choir Ministry to hold event in Cleveland Deanery

MOGADORE, OH [DOM Communications] – St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Mogadore, OH will be the site for church singers to gather for the upcoming Cleveland Deanery Choir Retreat.

The St. Andrew of Crete Choir Ministry, the diocesan ministry for music, will be hosting a local event in the greater Cleveland area entitled, “Heaven and Earth.”

“Our committee is excited to host its first face-to-face event. I am sharing the registration flyer with all of you for the November 20 Cleveland Deanery Choir Retreat,” said Elena Monahan, the event coordinator.

The event will be held on November 20, the eve of the feast of the Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Participants are invited to stay and sing for festal vespers at 5:00 P.M. Lunch will be provided by the local parishes.



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