Great Blessing of Water Throughout the Diocese

CHICAGO, IL [DOM] – The clergy and the faithful throughout the Diocese of the Midwest celebrated the Great Feast of Theophany by serving the Great Blessing of Water at their local body of water.

St. Paul the Apostle Church in Dayton, OH met at their local stream to celebrate the sanctification of water. Priest Gregory Ealy, lead the services for the area.



In Green Bay, WI, Priest John Thedford and parishoners from St. Matthew Church blessed the Fox River.

The parishes of Chicago, Holy Trinity Cathedral, St. George Cathedral, Christ the Savior Church, and St. Makarios Mission, gather for the second year at Lake Michigan on the Saturday after Theophany. After a procession to the lake, Priests Alexander Koranda and Philp Maikkula, and Deacon Andrew Bender began the services, which drew members from all four communities.

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