Historic Icon Returns to Minneapolis Cathedral

MINNEAPOLIS, MN [DOM]– The clergy and faithful of St. Mary Cathedral, Minneapolis, MN, gathered on Wednesday, January 29 to welcome a historic icon of the Mother of God and Christ Child back to the parish after two years of professional art restoration. Upon the arrival of the icon, an Akathist to the “Deliverer” Theotokos and vespers for the feast of the Three Hierarchs were celebrated and hundreds of faithful then venerated the icon.

“This icon represents a connection to our historical past, while also providing for the faithful an important spiritual connection to our Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos,” said Mitered Archpriest Andrew Morbey, Dean of St. Mary’s Cathedral.

The “Deliverer” Theotokos of Minneapolis, as the icon is known, was originally presented to the parish community by St. Tikhon in the early 20th century during an archpastoral visit as archbishop of the North American Mission. Over the last quarter century, the condition of the icon had severely deteriorated, requiring professional artisans to undertake major restoration work.

Over the last two years, artisans at the Midwest Art Conservation Center (MACC) in Minneapolis completed a thorough review, assessment and UV analysis of the icon. They cleaned the icon, did significant repairs and stabilization of the wood boards, and finally did restoration of where portions of the icon had been lost or was detached from the canvas.

The Theotokos of Minneapolis “Deliverer” icon was originally painted at the St. Panteleimon Monastery on Mt. Athos in Greece over 100 years ago. “For Orthodox believers in Minneapolis, the protection of the Mother of God is something very powerful in their lives,” Father Morbey said, adding, “They understand the importance of turning to the Mother of God in prayer and love as our heavenly intercessor. Now this icon is restored and present for all to venerate and pray before, knowing that the Theotokos hears our prayers.”

The icon has been placed in a special temperature-controlled case which will be set in a large icon kiot being constructed by members of the cathedral. Father Morbey said the parish is already incorporating the icon into the regular cycle of liturgical services at the cathedral. “We have a newly composed Akathist, specifically written for the Theotokos of Minneapolis icon, which will be sung, honoring the Mother of God.”

The primary feast day of the “Deliverer” icon of the Mother of God is October 17.