Interview with Archbishop Paul Ahead of 59th Assembly

BURBANK, IL [DOM Communications] – In anticipation of the upcoming 59th Diocesan Assembly, the Communications Department of the Diocese of the Midwest interviewed His Eminence Archbishop Paul. This gathering will take place online, Thursday, October 8th.

For all of the latest reports visit the Assembly Page.

DOM COMS: Your blessing. Your Eminence, thank you for taking time to talk about the upcoming 59th Assembly of the Midwest Diocese. Given the ongoing pandemic, I have a feeling this year’s meeting will look a little different than the previous fifty-eight!

ABP: The Lord’s blessing be upon you. You are correct when you say that it will be different from years past. Given the global pandemic and the size of the diocese, this year’s assembly will be taking place online. This has become a common format today for running large meetings like this successfully and safely. We will miss our usual format, of course. Even so, I am confident we will be able to conduct the important work of the diocese.

DOM COMS: It’s wonderful that the meeting is able to take place at all. I think people by now are very familiar with the online format. They will be excited to see faces they have not seen for some time. The assembly is scheduled for October 8th at 5 pm CST. What will be covered during the session in that reduced time?

ABP: The Diocesan Assembly in years past has been a three-day event. We have been trying to build on that. This year, of course, is an exceptional year because of issues stemming from the pandemic. We will need therefore to simplify our process. We have set up a page on our diocesan website with all the latest reports and information pertaining to the assembly, as we have done in the past. This year, however, given the online format of the meeting, it will be even more important for participants to familiarize themselves with the material on our website beforehand. Reports will still be given and business conducted, but on the expectation that the delegates will have read the information in advance.

DOM COMS: Your Eminence, is there anything that is of special interest, or is there a particularly important topic for people to be aware of?

Annunciation Archpastoral Visit 2018ABP:  Yes. We will need to address the transfer of property to be used for a monastery. A generous donor has offered to fund this project, which will be of spiritual benefit for the diocese. Because money and property are involved, our diocesan bylaws stipulate that this needs to be confirmed by the diocesan assembly.

DOM COMS: This sounds like a wonderful blessing. Monasteries play an essential role in the Church. It is wonderful that the diocese has made this a priority.

ABP: Yes. It is a wonderful opportunity to bring monastic life back into the diocese. It orders the life of our diocese on the foundation of ascetical prayer. I support this proposal with great enthusiasm. It is my sincere hope that the Assembly will see how important this is for the life of our diocese and vote to approve this transfer of property.

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