Meetings Begin, Clergy and Delegates Gather for 60th Diocesan Assembly

BROADVIEW HEIGHTS, OH [DOM Communications] – Meetings have commenced in greater Cleveland metropolitan area for the 60 Diocesan Assembly bringing together clergy and faithful from the 11 different states that make up the diocese. The Diocese is gathering for three days, October 11 through the 13, for its annual meeting.

Gathering Monday afternoon, the Bishop’s Council first met with the Diocesan Council meeting following later that day. At the Diocesan Council meeting, a presentation was given by Matushka Jennifer Sawchak and Philp Sokolov reporting on the ongoing work of the St. Andrew of Crete Music Ministry. Thy talked about the ministry offering directing and vocal training to parishes, the ability to share choir compositions, and publishing a periodical. “The focus of this project is community and the sharing of our diverse musical tradition to strengthen the parish choir,” Philip explained.

Reports continued with the Metropolitan Council representatives as well as Deans on the life of their respective deanery’s.

The Diocesan Assembly will officially begin Monday evening with the His Eminence Archbishop Paul serving a service of Thanksgiving, and giving his address to the diocese.


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