Minneapolis Cathedral holds Fourth Annual Metropolitan Leonty Series

MINNEAPOLIS, MN [DOM] –  On October 15, 2022 St Mary’s Orthodox Cathedral, Minneapolis MN, was pleased to hold the fourth of its annual Metropolitan Leonty Lectures in Orthodox Spirituality and Theology with a brilliant presentation by Dr. Eugenia Constantinou entitled “Orthodoxy’s Essential Element: How to Preserve, Promote and Protect the Faith in the Third Millennium.”  During her visit to the Twin Cities, Dr. Constantinou met with members of the University of Minnesota’s Christian Faculty Network, the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry of Minnesota, and the University of Minnesota Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF).

Dr. Constantinou is currently Professor of Theology at the Franciscan School of Theology, University of San Diego and has taught at Holy Cross Seminary in Brookline, MA. She is a popular presenter on Ancient Faith Radio, with a recorded and live biblical studies program, “Search the Scriptures.” Her most recent books are, “Thinking Orthodox” and “The Crucifixion of the King of Glory: The Amazing History and Sublime Mystery of the Passion.”

The Metropolitan Leonty Spirituality Series is named in honor of the ever-memorable and much loved Metropolitan Leonty (Turkevich), Primate of the Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church in America (1950 – 1965), Bishop of Chicago (1933 – 1950), and Rector of St Mary’s Cathedral in Minneapolis (1906 – 1912).  Past speakers include Archpriest John Behr, Archpriest Alexander Rentel and Ms. Joy Corey.

To view recordings of her lectures at St Mary’s, please see:

Part 1: https://youtu.be/HiMtD0EoDQE

Part 2: https://youtu.be/d5wgmRks0b8.

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