Monastery News

NIANGUA, MO [DOM] – Holy Resurrection Monastery offers the following updates on work that has been accomplished and work that is to come.

+ Mother attended a Deanery gathering in February 2023 to welcome and visit with His Eminence, Archbishop Daniel. She attended the Divine Liturgy on the Feast of the Holy Annunciation at Annunciation in St James, MO for His Eminence’s pastoral visit, and then again in December when His Eminence served Divine Liturgy and ordained Deacon John.
+ Many guests have been offered hospitality. Many Orthodox inquirers visit.
+ Mother has sent monastery reports to the Diocesan Council and to the Diocesan Assembly.
+ The monastery continues without regular Divine Liturgy being served.
+ Repairs resumed as the weather allowed. Mother painted and stained the back deck – lower and upper, and repaired a portion that was rotted. Lighting was added around the monastery. The deck in front of the shed was entirely replaced as the support beams had rotted. In the Spring, after the treated wood is ready, those repaired sections will be stained and sealed. More dead trees were felled and cleaned.
+ A guest room was converted to a monastic cell. The same will be done to another guest room, and the preparations will continue to further improve the downstairs accommodations.
+ A nun has joined Mother. There have been vocation visits and Mother is in contact with interested women
+ A table that was damaged was stripped, new stain and polyurethane applied, and now it serves as the monastic trapeza.

+ The tool shed was organized with the addition of shelving and hooks.
+ The candle work continues. Soon Mother will train the new Sister to assist with this blessed work.
+ Mother and Sister visit local parishes as they are able. The rising cost of gas has made this more difficult. Consider that 2 parishes are an hour away. Two others are 1 hour and 40 minutes, and another 3 hours.
+ The cost of food has put a strain on the monastery. Thank you to the local faithful who bring fish, shrimp, and other staples to defray the cost of the monastery’s grocery bill.
+ Thank you again to all who have donated their time, talents, and funds for the furtherance of good things at Holy Resurrection Monastery. An up to date needs list is maintained on the monastery website and was recently
updated in November 2023.
+ Please continue prayers for the Diocese of the Midwest: Our Archbishop Daniel, the Diocesan Council, vocations to the priesthood, vocations to Holy Resurrection Monastery, the health of the Fr Peter who serves at the Monastery, all the sick and suffering, and the furtherance of all good things.
+ The Monastery remembers these intentions and many others in our prayers. If you would like to submit names, use the website form, email us, or send the form included in this newsletter by snail or email.

Coming up in Spring 2024, God willing
+ Work on the upper back staircase will continue. The landing deck, the lower steps and the railings require replacement.
+ The new deck in front of the equipment shed and the portion of deck that was replaced near the bells will be stained and sealed.
+ A monastery sign will be purchased, constructed, and installed.
+ Mother and Sister will have subscriptions to a local health service for regular checkups, care in the event of an illness visit, and simple emergencies. These cost $100 per person monthly.
+ Install a window with a screen in the candle shop.
+ Extend electricity to the shed.
+ Construct monastic seating in the chapel.
+ The rotted railroad ties that serve as retention near the chapel will be replaced with stone. The same will occur in two other places where rotted ties surround flower beds.
+ We hope to begin a prayer walk with kiots and icons.
+ Please keep those candle orders coming! Many thanks to all the parishes who order. Orders are received by phone, email, text, or the website. Thank you in advance for supporting the monastery!
+ The Monastery’s Donation page now has an option for a one-time or a monthly gift. In addition to your
prayers, please consider supporting the monastery in this manner.
