New Testament Course being offered by St. Macrina Institute

BURBANK, IL [DOM Communications] – The Diocesan St. Macrina Orthodox Institute continues the Chicago Deanery cohort’s curriculum cycle with a course on the New Testament. The course will cover the Old Testament and Second Temple backgrounds of the New Testament including both significant biblical and pseudepigraphic texts, as well continuing into early patristic apostolic and some later authors. The course will show the significant insights that a liturgically informed understanding of the text can bring to a critical and historical reading of the texts of the New Testament.

The course will be taught by Archpriest Elijah Mueller. While this course is being taken by the students in the St.

Macrina Chicago Deanery cohort, it can also be taken by those who want to engage in continuing education on the New Testament.

Contact Fr. Elijah Mueller (, 312-714-9775) if you are interested in participating. The course will cost approximately $500 and is scheduled to meet once every two weeks on Sunday afternoon or Monday evening, TBA. The course will be online, through Zoom.

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