POSTED: Archpastoral Letter Calling for Special Day of Prayer

POSTED: Archpastoral Letter Calling for Special Day of Prayer


June 8, 2007
Martyr Kalliope
No. 126

TO: The Faithful Clergy and People of the Diocese of the Midwest

My Beloved in the Lord,

Glory to Jesus Christ!

I have determined that Monday, June 25, 2007, will be a Special Day of Prayer and Fasting for the Diocese of the Midwest. I realize that our faithful respond to the Apostles’ Fast in various ways, but I urge everyone to set apart this day in a spirit of seriousness and strictness, to beg God’s mercy on the Orthodox Church in America in this time of crisis. This Special Day of Prayer and Fasting is to be announced in all the churches. A Service of Prayer is being prepared and will be available next week for use in the churches and for personal devotion.

Also, I have petitioned His Beatitude to convene an extraordinary session of the Holy Synod in July and have enlisted the support of the other hierarchs in this crucial matter.

Asking your prayers for my unworthiness and with much love in Christ Jesus, I remain

Faithfully yours in Christ,

Archbishop of Chicago and the Midwest