Memory Eternal: Archpriest Stephen Karaffa

Memory Eternal: Archpriest Stephen Karaffa – 11/12/08

PITTSBURGH, PA [OCA Communications] — It is with great sadness that the Orthodox Church in America announces the repose of the Very Reverend Stephen Karaffa, rector of Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Burr Ridge, IL. Fr. Stephen fell asleep in the Lord this morning following the Divine Liturgy at the OCA’s 15th All-American Council in Pittsburgh, PA.

A Memorial Litiya was served for Fr. Stephen at the beginning of the third plenary session of the All-American Council by His Grace, Bishop Tikhon of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania.

A more detailed In Memoriam notice will be posted when they become available.

Services will be held at St Peter and St Paul Church, Burr Ridge, Illinois on Friday November 14, 7:00pm and Saturday November 15, 10:00am.

Click here for the official annoucement of services.

May Fr. Stephen’s memory be eternal!