Urban Gardening Project Kenosha WI 2008 Grant
Liturgical Arts Workshop Milwaukee WI 2008 Grant
Sharing the Hope” Class Rochester Hills MI 2008 Grant
CHICAGO, IL [MW Communications] – Archbishop JOB announced today the recipients of the Diocese’ Parish Health Grants for 2009. Seven parishes from the Deaneries will receive cash grants totaling just over $12000 for important projects that will impact the vibrancy of their parish life and in many cases the life of the entire diocese as well.
2009 grants recipients and their projects are:
Christ the Savior Church Chicago IL Orthodox Outreach to the Local Community
- St. Gregory of Nyssa Church, Columbus OH Lay Ministry of Mercy: Definition and training
- Holy Trinity Cathedral Chicago IL Capturing Stories of Parish Heritage: A Multigenerational Parish Ministry
- St Mark Rochester Hills MI Teens to Teens: Project Mexico Follow Up
- St Innocent Olmsted Falls OH Small Group Ministry Pilot Project
- St John the Baptist Warren OH Orthodox Exposure- The Mission and Message of the Church: Mall Kiosk
- St Nicholas Mogadore OH Pilgrim’s Guide Newsletter
“I am pleased that we were able to continue this important grant initiative again this year,” remarked Archbishop JOB. “We began the parish grant activity in 2008 with funds donated by private individuals and two parishes. This year we were able to continue this initiative by using a portion of our Parish and Mission Development budget.”
The grant applications were reviewed and ranked by the Diocese’ Parish and Mission Development committee made up of members of the Diocesan and Bishop’s Council and five anonymous reviewers. “The parish grants are a natural outgrowth of our long standing mission grant effort,” noted Fr John Zdinak, Diocesan Chancellor. “They are designed to provide stimulus for parishes or missions to begin new ministries or to strengthen existing ministries. Since by definition grant projects involve important effort from the multiple members of the parish, we found that the 2008 grants not only stimulated renewal in the grant receiving parishes but also, in many cases, resulted in tools and approaches that have been transferable to other parishes in the Diocese,”
“This year we received seven fine grant applications from parishes. Each of the proposals received strong support from some reviewers, said Joseph Kormos, Diocesan parish health facilitator. “Though original requests exceeded the funds available, in the end we were able to work with grant applicants to pare back requests and substantive funding was provided to each of the applicant parishes so that all of the projects can proceed.”