Diocesan Strategic Vision Progress Posted
CHICAGO, IL [MW Communications] – At the 2008 Diocesan Assembly the importance of building a strong clear vision for the future of our Diocese was discussed. At it’s January meeting the Diocesan Council picked up on that conversation and decided to proceed to begin building that vision. Since that time four discussions have taken place among subsets of Diocesan Council members exploring the value of achieving some form of common vision, examining where we are as a Diocese, talking about future goals and priorities and, to a much lesser extent, discussing how to actualize those priorities. These discussions have been summarized into a Powerpoint document that can be found here. The document primarily provides a brief status inventory of Diocesan life, facilities and ministries.

This document will be used as a starting point for a discussion of the Diocesan vision at the upcoming Diocesan Assembly. On Tuesday afternoon the document will be briefly reviewed and discussed. This will be followed by structured small group discussions among delegates asking for additional contributions. These contributions will be summarized and shared with the assembly body on Wednesday morning. The contributions will be used by the Diocesan council as the vision document evolves over the next year.

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