DETROIT CATHEDRAL TO HOST NEIGHBORHOOD FAMILY FESTIVALDETROIT, MI. [MW Communications] – Ss. Peter and Paul Orthodox Cathedral has been here at the corner of Gilbert and Clayton Streets in Detroit for over 100 years. Founded in 1907 by immigrants from Eastern Europe, the community of Ss. Peter and Paul is looking for ways to become a leading source of support for all the members of the inner-city neighborhood.
The cathedral community has begun a concerted effort to reach out to its neighbors. “We are setting out to introduce ourselves to and learn more about our neighbors so that with them we can find ways for our cathedral community to support and respond to the daily life challenges of our larger neighborhood community,” said laymen and community leader Michael Boyar.
The cathedral parish is presently without a permanent priest.
 On Sunday, October 3 the cathedral parish in conjunction with Vistas Nuevas Head Start Program, a program using the cathedral facilities, will host a one day family neighborhood festival on its campus from 11am – 5pm. The cathedral is planning family oriented activities. Attractions listed are a ‘moonwalk’ and petting zoo for children, local entertainment from various ethnic traditions, tours of the church and information booths from neighborhood organizations, police and fire departments as well as food booths.
Over the past one hundred years the community has been sustained by their strong faith, a faith which they are hoping to proclaim to their unchurched neighbors.
Michael Boyar is a long time member of the community and has become a parish leader in the absence of a full time priest. He hopes the cathedral parish will not only become a ‘good neighbor’ but also a spiritual home for those who don’t have one.  
“We find ourselves in a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood where Orthodoxy often is perceived as being “Russian” or “ethnic” or simply for someone else,” Mr. Boyar said.
To reach out to the Hispanic community the parish has will have Spanish speaking community members on hand to give tours of the church and answer questions about Orthodoxy.
“By reaching out in this way we are able to show people that we are a true neighbor, concerned about all people, of all faith and ethnic groups”, Boyar said.
Ss Peter and Paul Cathedral is located at 3810 Gilbert Street at Clayton, Detroit, Michigan.



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