Sunday, October 3, 2010
3:00 – 4:00 p.m. Tour at The Museum of Russian Art
4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Visit to FOCUS Minnesota
Cost: $20 per person – this covers admission to the Museum and a donation to FOCUS Minnesota

This event is being coordinated by St. Mary’s O Club!

If you have never been to The Museum of Russian Art (TMORA), and if you are wondering what the headquarters and mission of FOCUS Minnesota is, now is your chance to experience both. A private tour of the new show “The Art of Vasily Nechitailo”, a painter whose life spanned nearly the entire history of the Soviet Union, will be held from 3:00-4:00 at TMORA on October 3.

We will then travel a short distance to the new headquarters of FOCUS Minnesota at 1600 Lake Street. There you can enjoy light refreshments, good conversation, and have a chance to ask questions and learn about the work of FOCUS Minnesota from its Director, Matushka Vera Proctor.

People are encouraged to share rides and free parking is available across the street from TMORA, and both on and off street parking is available at FOCUS Minnesota.

Sign up for this event by calling Alice Woog at 651-423-7175 or email her at

Checks should be made payable to St. Mary’s O Club and must be received by Friday, October 1 at St Mary’s Orthodox Cathedral, 1701 Fifth Street NE, Minneapolis MN 55413