Next Webinar: Discovering Parish Core Values

Webinar on Discovering Parish Core Values

7:00 PM CST(that’s 8:00 PM EST!)
Thursday Jan 27, 2011


Many parishes have developed mission or vision statements as part of a renewal effort to rededicate their communal life to Christ. Far too often these statements are stuffed in a drawer — or hung on the wall — never to be looked at or used again.


One of the many reasons that such efforts may fail to create an impact is that they often focus more on writing a stylized, grammatically perfect, theological description of a parish future than on connecting with the hopes and dreams of the parish faithful.

This session will focus on the importance of exploring, discussing and capturing parish core values as the “leaven” for expressing vision, growth and vibrancy.
It will offer approaches for discovering what the parish is truly passionate about, what it wants to stand for in the future – AND for defining the behaviors that bring these values to life.

Fr. Jonathan Ivanoff is pastor of St John the Theologian Church (OCA) in Shirley NY. He has worked numerous parishes on renewal efforts and has been an instructor in the OCA’s Parish Growth Boot Camp conferences.

Who Should Attend
• Clergy
• Parish Council
• Ministry leaders
• Interested parishioners
from any Orthodox parish interested in beginning — or continuing — an effort of parish renewal.

What You Will Learn

  • What are “Parish Core Values”.  And, why are they important?
  • Where does understanding Parish Values fit in an overall effort of parish renewal?
  • What’s the difference between a core value, a “mission” a “strategy”, a plan?
  • What factors legitimately lead to differing values among parishes? History? Neighborhood? Demographics?
  • Can core values change? How?
  • Five key questions to ask to begin defining and discerning your parishes core values.

Attendance is free and open to anyone. You must register to attend.
Click here to register