Petitions for those suffering in Japan

CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — As posted on the web site of the Orthodox Church in America, in light of the ongoing tragedy in Japan and requests for intensified prayers, the following petitions may be added to the Augmented Litany at divine services in all parishes of the Diocese of the Midwest.

“Again we pray for the suffering people of Japan: for the families, friends and communities enduring bitter sorrow and tragic loss: for the wounded and the grieving; that the Lord Our God will look upon them with mercy and will heal, comfort, strengthen and shelter them in His love.

“Again we pray to Thee, O Lord and God, for the repose of the thousands of precious souls departed this life in the earthquake; specially those whose earthly sojourns have ended suddenly, without repentance; give them rest where all sickness, sorrow and sighing have passed away: hear us, O Lord, and have mercy.

“Again we pray for all those working for Japan’s relief and recovery; specially our Orthodox brethren ministering in behalf of all to those in desperate need: and for all who are anxious and fearful; that they may persevere in their struggles and find consolation, hope and courage in Jesus Christ, Our Savior and Our God.

“Again we pray that we may be preserved from wrath, pestilence, earthquake, flood, fire, the sword, terrorist attack, civil war and sudden death: and that Our God, Who loves mankind, may be gracious, merciful and easy to be reconciled to us: that He may deliver us from the righteous judgment impending against us, and have mercy on us.”

The petitions are especially appropriate on Sunday, March 20, and Sunday, March 27, on which the Holy Synod of Bishops requests that special collections for recovery and relief efforts in Japan be taken in all parishes. All contributions should be sent directly to International Orthodox Christian Charities — not to the OCA Chancery — at PO Box 630225, Baltimore, MD 21263-0225. Individual donations may be made on-line at or by calling toll free at 877-803-4622.