St. Vladimir’s Seminary Chicago area alumni enjoy post-Pascha reunion

WHEATON, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — Over 35 alumni, friends, and prospective seminarians gathered at Saint Joseph Church here April 20, 2012, for a Bright Friday dinner sponsored by the the Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary Alumni Association.

Alumni present represented 12 different graduating classes spanning the late 1960s to the present.

Archpriest Alexander Rentel, Assistant Professor of Canon Law and Byzantine Studies, and Protodeacon Joseph Matusiak, Director of Alumni Relations, joined the region’s alumni for an evening of prayer, fellowship and good food.

Father Alexander offered a brief presentation on the current state of the seminary and spoke about exciting programs and projects planned for the future.  Protodeacon Joseph spoke briefly about Alumni Association plans for the seminary’s upcoming 75th Anniversary.   He also thanked the alumni for their faithfulness in supporting the seminary, especially in terms of identifying young men and women interested in a seminary education, and reported an increase in enquirieis and applications for the 2012-2013 academic year.

Hosting the evening were Archpriest John Matusiak, rector of Saint Joseph Church; John Voytilla, parish council chairman; and the parish’s “catering crew,” who took advantage of the unseasonably warm weather to provide a delicious mixed grill and pasta dinner.

Photo credits:  Mat. Ksenia Bruner, Burbank, IL. Gallery click here.