Archpastoral Letter # 147

Archpastoral Letter # 147July 15, 2012
Sunday of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils
Holy Prince Vladimir the Great, Equal of the Apostles
No. 147

Beloved Clergy and Faithful of the Diocese of the Midwest,

Christ is in our midst!

This past week has been a challenging time for the Orthodox Church in America, and, I am certain, for many of our faithful.  I am sure that rumors are running rampant and the blogs are busy with their “spins” and conclusions.

I can assure you that the Holy Synod of Bishops has been working diligently in making decisions for the protection and love of the Holy Church.  At times like these, the Evil One is busy trying to divide and attack the Church.  The enemies of the Church will try their best to tempt and distract us from the truth.

The Most Holy Theotokos and the Saints are interceding for the welfare of God’s Holy Church.  I ask for your prayers for the Holy Church during this trying time.  The work of the Church continues as the Lord continues to guide us.  If God is with us, who can be against us?

The love of the faithful of the Church and the guidance of the Holy Spirit will care for us and will lead us along the way as we discern the path on which we are to embark.  All that we are experiencing will strengthen each of us as long as we remain faithful to the Lord and His Commandments.

May the Lord be with each of you and keep us united in the grace and love of God.

Your unworthy shepherd in Christ,

Bishop of Chicago and the Midwest