Chicago site of OCAMPR conference on infertility, miscarriage and early child loss
CHICAGO, IL [OCAMPR] — The Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion [OCAMPR] will sponsor a national conference titled “The Child Conceived: Considering Infertility, Miscarriage, and Early Child Loss,” at Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral here Friday and Saturday, November 2-3, 2012.
Heading the list of speakers will be His Grace, Bishop Demetrios of Mokissos, Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago, who will speak on “Conceived in the Womb: How the Orthodox Faith Understands the Unborn Child.” Other speakers and topics include Matushka Jenny Schroedel, author of Naming The Child [“Hope-Filled Reflections on Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Death”]; Dr. Betsy Wickstrom, a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist [“Medical Aspects of Infertility and Pregnancy Loss: Perspectives of an Orthodox Christian Physician”]; Allena Barbato, JD, a Mental Health Specialist and volunteer doula [“Complex Grief: How to Help through Pregnancy and Child Loss”]; and Dr. Ary Christofidis, Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Founder and Director of the Orthodox Christian Counseling Institute [“Infertility in a Young Marriage: Grief and Challenge”]. The Rev. John Cox will moderate a panel discussion.
To register and/or obtain a detailed schedule and other information, please visit