Chicago IOCC Metropolitan Committee announces Sixth Annual 5K “Walk the Walk for IOCC”
CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — In a letter dated September 19, 2012, the Chicago Metropolitan Committee of International Orthodox Christian Charities announced that its Sixth Annual 5K Walk the Walk for IOCC will be held on Saturday, September 29, 2012.
Last year, more than 150 people participated, and the committee is looking forward to an even more successful event this year.
“I would greatly appreciate it if you would please make an announcement about this event in your parish, include this year’s event flyer in your bulletin, and hang it up on your church board,” writes Laura Hendershot, IOCC Outreach Coordinator. “Please consider supporting IOCC by encouraging your parishioners to participate in the IOCC 5K Walk/Run. Through IOCC’s humanitarian aid programs and your help, together we can answer God’s call to provide assistance to those in need around the world.”
Event flyers, registration forms, and related resources in PDF format may be found by clicking here: event flyer, registration form, pledge sheet.
For additional information, please contact To learn more about IOCC’s Chicago Metropolitan Committee’s work, please visit