Missionary/Evangelist Fr. Daniel Byantoro to Speak in Ohio/Indiana Parishes October 27 – November 5

Missionary/Evangelist Fr. Daniel Byantoro to Speak in Ohio/Indiana Parishes October 27 – November 5
CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — Archimandrite Daniel Byantoro of the Orthodox Church in Indonesia (ROCOR) will be speaking at several parishes and college campuses in Ohio and Indiana October 27 through November 5, 2012.
“A convert from Islam to Christianity, Father Daniel is a living witness to the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to transform lives,” according to Priest Joel Weir of Saint Stephen Church, Crawfordsville, IN, who is helping to organize the visit.  “His love for Christ and His Church has resulted in the vibrant growth of Orthodoxy in his homeland of Indonesia.”
Father Daniel will speak at the following venues.

  • Saturday, October 27, 6:30 pm and Sunday, October 28, 10:30 am – Saint Stephen Church, Lima, OH.  Father Daniel will be speaking after Vespers and Liturgy about Devotion to Christ and about the newly martyred Indonesian Priest Gregory.  For more info, contact Archpriest Mark Hodges at fr.mark.hodges@juno.com.
  • Tuesday, October 30, 7 pm – Saint Alexis Church (Carpatho-Russian Diocese), Lafayette, IN.  Father Daniel will be speaking to the parish faithful and members of the Purdue University OCF about how to witness to Christ to those of the Islamic faith.  For more info, contact Priest Gregory Allard at frgregory@gmail.com.
  • Wednesday, October 31, 7 pm – Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN.  Father Daniel will address the campus community.  For more info contact Priest Joel Weir at weir.joel@gmail.com.
  • Thursday, November 1, 7 pm – Saint Stephen Church, Crawfordsville, IN.  Father Daniel will speak about his conversion experience and the ongoing work of the Church in Indonesia.  For more info contact Priest Joel Weir at weir.joel@gmail.com.
  • Friday, November 2, 10 am – Holy Transfiguration Church (Carpatho-Russian Diocese) Crawfordsville, IN.  Father Daniel will be giving the homily and speaking at the Divine Liturgy.  For more info contact Priest Alexis Miller at fatheralexismiller@juno.com.
  • Saturday, November 3, 7 pm – Saint John the Forerunner Church, Indianapolis, IN.  For more info contact Priest Joseph Gibson at frjosephg@gmail.com.
  • Sunday, November, 4, 10 am – Saint Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church, Indianapolis, IN.  Father Daniel will be giving the homily and speaking at coffee hour about stewardship.  For more info contact Priest Dragan Petrovic at fr.dragan@st-nicholas-indy.org.
  • Monday, November 5, time TBA – Hagia Sophia Classical Academy (located at St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church).  Father Daniel will be addressing the students of Hagia Sophia Classical Academy (www.hagiasophiaclassical.org).

To learn more about Father Daniel and his ministry, visit http://friendsofindonesia.org/.  Father Daniel also has archived podcasts available at http://ancientfaith.com/podcasts/byantoro.

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