UPDATED: STOTS faculty members to speak during Great Lent
MINNEAPOLIS, MN [MW Diocese Communications] — Three members of the faculty of Saint Tikhon’s Seminary, South Canaan, PA, are slated to speak at lenten gatherings across the Midwest.
On Friday and Saturday, March 15 and 16, 2013, Archpriest John Kowalczyk will present a lenten retreat at Saint Mary Greek Orthodox Church, Minneapolis, MN. Titled “The Sanctity of Life from the Womb to the Tomb,” the gathering serves as a call to living a life of holiness and sanctity. For additional information contact sandra@stmarygoc.org or call 612-825-9595.
Dr. Christopher Veniamin will be the keynote speaker at the annual “Celebration of Books” at Holy Apostles Greek Orthodox Church, Westchester, IL, on Sunday, March 31. In addition to speaking at the Sunday Divine Liturgy, he will deliver a lecture, “Saint Gregory Palamas and the Second Sunday of Great Lent,” following the celebration of Compline that evening. The week-long celebration, in its 29th year, is one of the most anticipated annual pan-Orthodox events in the Chicago area. Information about Dr. Veniamin please see http://thaborian.com/christopherveniaminspeakingevents.html.
On Saturday, March 30, Dr. Veniamin, together with Mr. Klaus Kenneth, author of the newly published book, “Born to Hate, Reborn to Love,” will conduct a retreat at Christ the Savior Church, Chicago, IL. A flyer about Mr. Klaus Kenneth can be found here. Additional information will be posted as it is received.
On April 5-6, Dr. Harry Boosalis will conduct a lenten retreat at Holy Transfiguration Church [OCA], Livonia, MI. He will focus on the spiritual teachings of Saint Silouan of Mount Athos and his disciple, Elder Sophrony.