Diocesan Chancellor addresses clergy, diocesan and parish councils
CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] — In a letter dated April 17, 2013, Archpriest John Zdinak, Chancellor of the Diocese of the Midwest, updated parish clergy and members of the diocesan and parish councils on a number of matters.
The text of Father John’s letter, which is available here in PDF format, reads as follows.
“As you are all aware, His Grace, Bishop Alexander of Toledo, has been assigned by the Holy Synod as Locum Tenens of the Episcopal See of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest. For purposes of good order and consistency, I have been instructed by His Grace to give direction for correspondence and requests for Episcopal visitation.
“All correspondence for His Grace should be addressed to him as the Locum Tenens of the Diocese. They should be addressed to the Chancery office in Chicago. They should be copied to me as Chancellor, preferably electronically. This will aid us in keeping good records of all correspondence in Diocesan office.
“We are aware that many parishes may have a desire for an Episcopal visitation. Because His Grace has two dioceses under his omophorion, we ask you to please reserve your requests for very special parish events, for example 25th, 50th, 75th or 100th parish anniversaries, priestly retirements or similar events. There will be other occasions when His Grace will be serving in the Diocese as a result of his Episcopal duties. These are all in addition to the regular meetings he has with the Bishop’s and Diocesan Councils, the Annual Diocesan Assembly, etc. For these events, the correspondence and requests should be addressed to His Grace at the Chancery in Chicago and copied to me as Chancellor in the manner stated above.
“I offer my appreciation in advance for your cooperation in thse matters. If you have any questions you can contact me at my email: chancellor@domoca.org or by phone at 216-554-7282.”